Bugleweed Ajuga Seeds 6315


Size: SKU: Price: Availability: Quantity: Total:
packet M-6315-PKT-D $3.99 In stock
250-seeds S-6315-250SEEDS-D $17.50 Out of stock - -


Bugleweed Ajuga Seeds 6315. Open Pollinated. Perennial.

Approx. 30-35 seeds/pkt (700 seeds/gram)

Ajuga (which is also known as Bugleweed) is a great ground cover for shady sites. And while it will tolerate dry shade, it does prefer moderately fertile well drained soil. Spreading by underground stolons, Ajuga rapidly covers bare ground and will fill in large areas relatively quickly. We suggest mowing it once or twice a year with the mower on a high setting to remove old flower spikes. The blue flowers attract both bees and butterflies while rabbit and deer do not browse the foliage. It also makes an excellent companion plant with annuals in large containers. Perennial hardy to Zone 4.

How to Grow

Seed should be cold stratified. This can be accomplished naturally by sowing the seed in the desired location in early September. Press the seed into contact with the soil but do not cover as light is beneficial to germination. Seed can also be started indoors in late February. Moisten a soil-less growing medium, press the seed into contact with it then place in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. After this time, bring into the light – germination typically takes 4 to 5 weeks. Transplant seedlings outside after hardening off and after the danger of frost has passed. Space plants 20 cm apart. 5 g of seed sows 2 m².

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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Blooming Season Begins

Degree of Difficulty

Frost Tolerance

Growth Habit





Suggested Uses

